Really Richard?!?

San Diego UnifIed School District (SDUSD) Board of Education President/Trustee Richard Barrera has been trying to con the San Diego Press Corps, Taxpayers and District Stakeholders regarding the fake 91% graduation rate for the last six months…but his most recent “response” in the San Diego Union Tribune tops them all.

In a story in the San Diego Union Tribune titled Opinion In Response: We can be proud of our graduation rates” Barrera again spreads the propaganda that a report of the closer to accurate SDUSD Grad Rate of 80% by the San Diego Education Research Alliance (SanDERA) is false and that the SDUSD fake 91% Graduation Rate illusion is not only real…but should be celebrated!

Really Richard?!?

What you should celebrate is that your current and former SDUSD employees on the SanDERA Executive Committee DID NOT fully investigate or deduct anything for poorly proctored credit recovery classes that allowed Student cheating and waiver practices by SDUSD that would have driven the SDUSD Grad Rate MUCH LOWER that the 80% Grad Rate they reported.

In fact your current and former SDUSD employees DID NOT EVEN INTERVIEW ONE SDUSD STUDENT to verify their report!!!

Obviously they were just following the Supt. Cindy Marten Model of Fauxllaboration!

“San Diego Unified’s graduation rates are determined by the California Department of Education using a federally mandated formula. If school districts could select their own methodology, what would the graduation numbers mean? How would we analyze academic performance by student group or school?” – Richard Barrera

Really Richard?!?

“If school districts could select their own methodology”?!?

Do you mean “methodology” like shipping out failing students to charters for senior year…or allowing cheating on credit recovery courses through that allows a student to complete a years worth of work in a month…or providing waivers and pressuring teachers to change grades so students can graduate, all of which artificially BLOATS the fake SDUSD 91% Grad Rate?!?

You are right Richard…because of your “methodology” to bloat the SDUSD Grad Rates, the 91% SDUSD Grad Rate numbers MEAN NOTHING!

But after Barrera dismisses the “third-party analysis by the San Diego Education Research Alliance.” that dropped the REAL grad rate to 80%, he then took credit for a more favorable opinion by SanDERA for another one of their conclusions that artificially benefitted his propaganda:

“Teachers and administrators deployed numerous strategies to help students graduate, and the more rigorous standards did not result in an increase of students transferring out of district high schools, according to a third-party analysis by the San Diego Education Research Alliance.”

Really Richard?!?

“Teachers and administrators deployed numerous strategies to help students graduate”?!?

Again, to repeat ourselves, do you mean “numerous strategies” like shipping out failing students to charters for senior year…or allowing cheating on credit recovery courses through that allows a student to complete a years worth of work in a month…or providing waivers and pressuring teachers to change grades so students can graduate, all of which artificially BLOATS the fake SDUSD 91% Grad Rate?!?

And now the kicker…the  “third-party analysis by the San Diego Education Research Alliance.”

Really Tricky Dick?!?

By using the term “third party” in reference to SanDERA, Richard Barrera has now become “Tricky Dick” Barrera.

“Third Party” sometimes is perceived as being an “independent party”…but that could be no farther from the truth…especially in the case of SanDERA and the SDUSD.

Both groups could not be tied closer together.

The so-called “third-party analysis by the San Diego Education Research Alliance.” was filled with current and former SDUSD employees that rely on access to SDUSD for approval and credibility for their studies.  Here is a screen shot of the members of the “team” from the SanDERA website:  

Of the six members of the SanDERA Executive Committee, four of them, Bachofer, Rode, Bell and Policar are either current or past SDUSD employees.  They may be a “third party” but they could just as easily be described as a SDUSD Board of Education Subcommittee formed to dispute all the valid reporting by District Deeds and other local news organizations that exposed the fake 91% SDUSD Grad Rate.

C’mon Tricky Dick…GIVE IT UP!!!

For ONCE tell the truth…

You and your fellow Trustees Kevin Beiser, John Lee Evans, Mike McQuary and Sharon Whitehurst Payne colluded with your incompetent Elementary School Superintendent Cindy Marten to improperly pump up graduation rates through unethical and damaging tactics that harmed and subverted the education of SDUSD students…and GOT CAUGHT!




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